If you are expecting commission back from a supplier please set up a line in VTO for the money to come back in.
It is best to do this when you make the booking that will result in the supplier sending commission back
The easiest way to do this is to Copy, Paste & Edit the sector/line you already have in the VTO trip that has money coming back in:
- Select the tick box to the left of the trip sector/line
- Click Copy
- Click Paste
You will then need to edit the figures to show money coming in - refund/commission
- Click on the Pencil/Edit button on the far right of the new trip sector/line:
- Check the supplier is correct (where the money is coming back from) and then zero/0.00 everything out
- Enter the the nett amount you are expecting back from the supplier into the Commission
(This will then auto-populate the Supplier Column to be a negative amount which is correct)
- Click Save Changes
After clicking Save Changes, your new line will look like this: